5th RAK Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Purpose of the event

To provide an overview of the association's financial status, highlight achievements and outline future strategic plans.

Notable strides

  • REIT Toolkit & Incubator Workshops. The association continued to foster growth and address challenges facing REITS through their flagship toolkit and incubator program. Two workshops were held during the course of the year with the goal of driving innovation and excellence in the REIT sector. 
  • RAK 2023 Annual Conference. The association held its 2023 annual conference from the 31st October 2023 to the 2nd November 2023 at Enashipai Resort, Naivasha. The conference gathered over 160 delegates and left an indelible mark, setting the stage for an era of growth and innovation in the East African real estate landscape.
  • East Africa Property Investment Summit (EAPI). The association participated as industry partners in the 11th annual East Africa Property Investment Summit and had opportunity to hold panel discussion centred around “Enabling Affordability with Finance”.
  • East African Finance Summit. RAK participated in the 7th East African Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The summit hosted stakeholders and business leaders from East Africa’s financial sector to discuss potential collaboration avenues with industry players.

Current and Ongoing Initiatives

  • The REIT Toolkit and Incubator Program
  • Lobbying policies for conducive REIT regulatory environment
  • RAK 2024 Annual Conference
  • Pan African REIT Consultative Forum


View the chairman's Report

Wednesday, 17th July, 2024

NSE Trading Floor

Event Closed!